
Coursable ✅

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BJUT课程表解析库, 带有i18n支持

[!WARNING] 本仓库为个人项目, 与BJUT官方无关
此项目仍处于早期开发阶段, 不保证可用性以及正确性, 欢迎issue和PR

Features ⚡

Install 📥

pip 🚀

pip install
# or
pip install coursable[...] # url, orjson, ujson, ics

Poetry 📜

git clone
cd Coursable
poetry install --extras ... # url, orjson, ujson, ics

Wheel 🛞

  1. Download the latest wheel from releases
  2. Install it with pip

Usage 📄

python -m coursable --help
usage: coursable [-h] [-v] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-c OUTPUT_ICS_FILE]

BJUT course table converter.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Show the version of the tool.
  -i, --input INPUT_FILE
                        The path to the input file. If not provided, the input will be the default example.
  -c, --ics OUTPUT_ICS_FILE
                        Set output format to ics, and specify the output file path.

Contribute 🛠️


Lisence 📃

MIT © Coursable 除examples目录及全部.yml文件无任何授权外, 本项目的所有代码文件均使用MIT许可证授权。